EARL London Keynote Speaker announcement: Garrett Grolemund

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We’re delighted to announce RStudio’s Garrett Grolemund as one of our Keynote Speakers at this year’s EARL London.

He will join Starcount’s Edwina Dunn and a whole host of brilliant speakers for the 5th EARL London Conference on 11-13 September at The Tower Hotel.

Garrett specialises in teaching people how to use R, which is why you’ll see his name on some brilliant resources, including video courses on Datacamp.com and O’Reilly media, his series of popular R cheat sheets distributed by RStudio, and as co-author of R for Data Science and Hands-On Programming with R. He also wrote the lubridate R package and works for RStudio as an advocate who trains engineers to do data science with R and the Tidyverse.

He earned his Phd in Statistics from Rice University in 2012 under the guidance of Hadley Wickham. Before that, he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Harvard University and briefly attended law school before wising up.

Garrett is one of the foremost promoters of Shiny, R Markdown, and the Tidyverse, so we’re really looking forward to his keynote.

Don’t miss out on early bird tickets

Early bird tickets for all EARL Conferences are now available:
London: 11-13 September
Seattle: 7 November
Houston: 9 November
Boston: 13 November