Are you data-driven?

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Data today is the fuel driving the modern business world. It, therefore, stands to reason that the ability to read and speak data should be a fairly mainstream skill. Except it isn’t – yet. According to the 2018 Gartner CIO Agenda, CIOs globally ranked analytics and business intelligence as the most critical technology to achieve the organisation’s business goals, with data and analytics skills topping the list as the most sought-after talent.

As more organisations embrace data-driven digital transformation, it’s clear that the need to upskill and resource data science teams has become far more pronounced. In this regard, a positive trend taking rapid shape is the requirement for data science and analytics capabilities across a much wider range of industry sectors and departments.

As a data science consultancy and experts in practitioner training including R  and Python, Mango is witnessing this organisational uptake first-hand. Liz Matthews, Mango’s Head of Community and Education says that there is an increasing need for R and Python skills across organisations, extending into BI, marketing, analytics, HR and accounting, as businesses continue to take steps forward on their data-driven journey. She believes that as part of the cultural journey in becoming data-driven, a key goal of the c-suite should be to motivate every individual in the organisation to become data literate.

Find out more about Mango’s training courses or chat to us about how we can help your organisation achieve data-driven transformation through our executive-led series of workshops – designed to help to foster interaction between business and analytic teams by understanding how data science can embed strategic decision making.