Encouraging Women in Data

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In support of encouraging diversity within data science, we proudly profiled three of our own team members at Mango in the lead up to the Women in Data conference last week. All from varying backgrounds, they each arrived at their journey into analytics with varying skillsets and experience, yet are all incredibly inspiring in their own way.

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the very busy and successful Women in Data conference. As resourcing manager for Mango I was keen to learn more about like-minded women in this sector and their reasons for attending this conference.

Through my series of chats, I had the pleasure of meeting the best of women-kind. An incredibly inclusive bunch who were there to inspire and be inspired, to encourage and be encouraged, to learn, to teach, to listen and to talk.

Amongst the popular reasons to attend was to find out what other women in the field were doing and how they were managing their own learning and development journeys. To have the headspace, take a step back and evaluate or benchmark their work and discuss common themes or concerns. Some were working within smaller organisations or teams without role models and so came looking for them.

The highlight of the event for many seemed to be Helen Hunter’s talk. It was her natural humanity and humility that inspired so many. Despite giving a hugely motivational talk, we loved her honesty in admitting that she faced days when she felt she wasn’t good enough. Hugely resonating for many, this offered such comfort to the audience.

Another highlight was the opportunity to network. Women love to share and compare and Women in Data was no exception to this, offering an inclusive, non-threatening environment. Interestingly, I spoke to three women who told me it was their time to give back. They’d always had advocates in their careers, they’d had to be resilient to get where they were and they started to think about what was important to them. They’d specifically come to try and help the next generation of women, supporting them in their data careers.

A takeaway note for me was this was a fantastic event that Mango were enormously proud to be part of, to encourage and inspire as part of the team. If you didn’t receive your guide to developing your career in data science and advanced analytics you can download and read it below. Written by our own Ruth Thompson, Director of Innovation, we’ve included a few tips and advice we’re pleased to share.

Training and upskilling over 1000 Data Scientists each year across an array of courses in R and Python, the guide promises tips to help facilitate your own personal development. Sharing it gives us the opportunity to reflect the values of many who attended the conference – giving back to the community.

Please enter your details below to receive your free guide:

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