Almost all companies are investing in some sort of data project – data analytics, big data, AI, data science. “The journey to data-driven maturity isn’t really about digital first and foremost”, says Richard Pugh Mango’s Chief Data Scientist, “it’s actually about the necessity of transforming your business model”. He regularly mentors business executives on how to build a data-driven company, providing practical guidance on carrying out transformation.
CDO’s often cite low levels of data-driven maturity – however with the perfect blend of technology, data and business awareness to extract value, not just information from data is key to success. There are vital steps that can help businesses succeed with their big data and data science endeavours. The first and most vital step is to ensure representation by leadership for data-driven initiatives, educating the business at large about the possibilities of analytics.
Business leaders need to work with their data practitioners to teach the whole business a common language around advanced analytics and dispel preconceptions of what value data science can bring to the organisation. This will open up more fertile ground for working out what business questions data can and cannot help solve.
Without leadership alignment, it will nearly be impossible to instigate the culture shift required to truly become data-driven, ensuring a programme of work that aligns the leadership, business, and analytic functions around a unified vision.
For practical, real-world advice on data-driven approaches and to ensure you have these vital steps in place to deliver your data-driven transformation, please contact Lisa Sheppard at Mango Solutions for more information about our Art of the Possible series by email [email protected] or via telephone.