After attending Mango’s EARL conference in London, Martin Veitch has written for IDG Connect:’ Citizen Data Science Suffers from Inflated Expectations‘ where he shares his views about how companies that best exploit data science will be well positioned to make smarter decisions – but it’s more than just a quick fix.
Additionally, Veitch references some of the great speakers at EARL to explain how data science, and in particular the R language, can be used for good, and talks to Mango’s Chief Data Scientist and Co-founder, Rich Pugh, about how the term ‘data science’ is becoming misused.
“The idea that data science is for everybody isn’t just wrong, it’s dangerous. If you misuse data and don’t understand data relationships you can make bad decisions that can have serious results.” said Rich.
Read the full article here:
Author Martin Veitch in IDG Connect publication.